
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sarah goes to Belfast | Part 4

Last but not least, we have come to the end of my Belfast journey with part 4 and day 4. After checking out of the hostel in the morning, I pretty much spent the rest of my morning in the Student Union having breakfast and going through my planner while waiting for the boys to be done with their classes. A little review of the hostel? Well, it was slightly dodgy but I should not be complaining when I'm only paying £13.50 per night. Two bunk beds in a clean room, only two lockers which was odd, clean toilet and shower outside the room which is shared by two rooms and absolutely no wifi. Checking in and checking out was extremely easy and quick.

Lunch with the boys in Birdcage restaurant.
Johnathan and I then took the bus to visit the Belfast Castle and Cavehill.

It was a really long walk to reach cavehill so we made a u-turn back to the castle because we were running out of time. It was also muddy so my outfit and shoes were not ideal to be taking a hike in the late afternoon. Enjoy the photos of inside and outside of the Belfast Castle.

After this little visit, we had to rush back to the city to meet up with Winnie and Isaiah before I have to catch a taxi to the airport.

Bring slippers if you are planning to stay in hostels to use when you need to use the showers or toilet. Also, have a padlock so you can use the handy locker to store your personal items which leaves you less to carry when you're out. Do a little planning before your trip but keep an open mind to do something out of the blue too. 

Last couple photos were taken just before I got in my taxi, it was an amazing trip thanks to them plus Johnathan and I wouldn't change a thing about it if I were to go back time. I even had the loveliest conversation with the taxi driver on the way to the airport, he was so kind and looked liked the English version of my father. I cannot believe my luck that I get to encounter so many kind, lovely people along my journey, stranger or not stranger. I got God to thank for that and prayers my parents made for me to always be safe and happy. That's it, hope you readers enjoyed the photos because I got a feeling most of you just scroll down looking at photos without reading the text. Goodbye for now.

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