
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sarah goes to Nottingham

I have been lagging behind with a handful of drafted posts I have yet to edit and publish but it's going to be served in a sliver platter in the days to come because I finally have some time to spare. Easter break has started for me and I think Newcastle University may be the only one that has a week extra, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I've been having busy weeks for the past couple of months with responsibilities pilling up, as soon I get rid of one task, five pops up. Not to mention, I get myself into situations that requires me to take up the responsibilities. Oh, Sarah.

Anyways, back to this post. Last November, we signed up for the Malaysian Nottingham Games of which took place in Nottingham University. We played mixed volleyball and instead of representing our own university respectively, we were "Private team C". Pretty happy with our outcome because we ended with winning second runner up. It was a real exciting day getting back to the court, dusting off the dust from my volleyball skills that has not been utilised for the past couple of years and just being in a team alongside having friends of ours supporting by the side.

As soon as we arrived, we started spotting all the familiar faces back from our home country

After spending approximately 8-9 hours in the sports centre, we finally could leave. We then had korean cuisine for dinner and attended a house party after. We did not do much exploring for our short trip in Nottingham but we did have loads of fun and made numerous memories with our little adventures.

Yes, I know these cheeky monkeys
Hello mellow gayo mayo, congratulations on attaining the title, ever so proud

Fun little short trip, indeed.

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