5th February 2015
It started off with Petra and I getting on a taxi to head to a hotel not too far off. She was all dressed up with an old fashion hairstyle and full on makeup in a dress. As for me, I was wearing a lazy comfortable outfit, most likely to be her assistant for that night because I was carrying a gym bag. When we arrived the hotel, I saw posters of a musical as we headed towards backstage. Behind stage I saw a couple of massage rooms and a small go-kart track. Here comes the slightly weird part, Davina and Tasha were by a bench nearby shaving their legs. They were done by the time I greeted them so we decided to race with our little go-karts. At the finish line, we just got out of the karts and got on a bus where I found an iPod in my pocket. Through reflex, I guess I thought it was a good idea to check the camera album. There were group photos and all sort of random photos where I notice it was the guy sitting at the last row of the bus. As I walking towards him, the bus started moving all out a sudden which triggered my brain to wake me up from my sleep.
I think the whole dream is weird period. also my dreams usually ends with the songs playing on the radio or whatever im hearing. did you know i woke up once crying when i was also crying in my dream